Monday, April 28, 2008

Couch Potatoes

A little cereal in a baggy, a sippee cup full of milk and some pbs, and I can get something done (for a minute or two) on a Monday morning. Olivia could watch Super Why and Dragon Tales for hours. Carter hasn't perfected the couch potato. He watches Elmo's world for a minute and then moves on to his next area of destruction.


Melanie said...

now that's living!

The Pyper Fam said...

That is so Tucker... I sometimes would just love it if he sat down for a half and hour and watched a show so I could get something done, but he gets so distracted and watches for a few seconds and then wants to know where I am and what I'm doing!

Meghann said...

Don't you just hate it when your kids refuse to be couch potatoes. I think that Jack discovered "Superwhy" is too educational and so now he won't watch it.