When I got home from Arkansas, Eric informed me that Flash had got stuck in the basement and used the lovesac for a litter box. We now call it the peesack. That was the last straw for Flash. He has done some pretty nice damage to our new house. The kids didn't play with him much, he got hair everywhere, and Jackson didn't keep up on food and the litter box. I was done. We just aren't animal people. Jackson would cry everytime I talked about giving Flash away. Then he told me he wanted an airsoft gun. I told him I would get him one if we could give Flash away. He agreed and told me I just needed to take a picture of him first. On the way home from taking Flash I felt so bad!
We are very excited for our Aunt Betty who is getting married in October. We are happy for her, but very sad for us. We don't know what we are going to do without her here in Spokane. I rely on her for so many things. She is not my sister by blood, but she might as well be part of the Wagstaff family. We passed her house one day and Olivia said, "Aunt Betty can't move to Lost Vegas. She will get lost in Lost Vegas." She asked if Aunt Carol was moving to Las Vegas, too. When I told her no, she said, "pheew!" Aunt Hillary is getting married to a Jeff also and moving to Las Vegas, so she is a little confused. Betty calls Olivia her "best girl." Betty pretty much raised her. I blame a lot of Olivia's princess/diva behavior on Betty. She will give her anything she wants. Betty came over for a week to take care of me when I had Carter. That week she also potty trained Olivia. I don't know what I'm going to do to potty train Carter on my own. Olivia gardens with her, goes to her house to make cookies and have sleepovers, and even watches chick flicks with her. I also cannot have any more kids without Betty around (not that I was going to anyway.) Before Carter and Olivia were old enough to go to Nursery at church, she would take them to Sacrament meeting with her. Her ward was in the same building as ours. For a while she had 9 am church and we had 1pm. We took Carter over to her house on our way to church. The other night Betty drove home with us from the lake. Olivia was in rare form being crazy. I told her to calm down and be quiet. She told us that she couldn't, because someone had a doll of her at their house and they were controlling her. How does she know about voodoo dolls? I don't know where she comes up with the stuff she does.
I just had a great parenting moment. I took Carter upstairs for his nap. While I was changing his diaper he was pulling down the picture off his wall. I slapped his hand a few times and told him, "no, no!" He promptly looked at me and then hit me. I started to laugh as I began to tell him, "We do not hit." I'm such a great example. I came back downstairs and saw the door to outside was wide open. I yelled, "Olivia?" thinking she might have gone outside. She called from my room, "what?" I told her never mind. She came into the kitchen all mad at me. "Why do you always nevermind me? Just tell me the question!" I tried to explain to her that I was just making sure she was still inside. She couldn't get over it and kept on screaming, "Just tell me the question!" What do I do with her?
I will have to finish my blog updating later. I have a babysitter coming so I can run some errands. I dropped my phone yesterday on the garage floor. I have dropped it a million times, but this time it will not turn on again. Hopefully I can get a new one. If you have texted me or left messages that I have not returned, that is why. Everyone's phone numbers are in there, too. So I can't call anyone either. It is amazing how much I rely on my stupid phone. Hopefully I can finish my blogging before tonight. We are going to the midnight release party for the new Twilight book. Once I start reading that, I probably won't be able to take out time to blog.
I remember when you got the cat for your birthday. I feel partly to blame for your misery. Luckily our cat isn't too much trouble, so we'll keep her. That sucks that Arkansas is so far away. Makes it even harder for you all to get together.
i'm with you with the cat. we tried one about 6 years ago, gave it away within 2 weeks, have never gone back and been perfectly happy! whenever one of the kids asks for a pet again, i'm all, "don't you REMEMBER the cat??" on a seperate note, your kids are so fun and adoreable!
Your Olivia sounds just like my Hannah! NEVER stops! I tell ya, these girls in a family full of boys just HAVE to do something to get some attention!
Yes, my brother did marry Whitney! They have 2 kids and live in Philly, PA.
No, you did not miss a birth announcement- I didn't do one, he's the 5th! Come on, cut me a break! ha ha. We'll be lucky if we do Christmas cards- missed those last year too!
Yeah, not feeling bad about the cat at all. That's why I won't get any animal, I'd get rid of it too fast!
Good luck w/ your phone- hate that!!
Oh, and Twilight release party! I was at one in Dallas! FUNNY! Where are you in the book?
One more thing... why does Heather look familiar to me? Do I know her? Ok, Bye! We could email, or talk on the phone- that might be easier! julie@peekbaby.com
I'm impressed with Eric's multi-talents and Olivia is absolutely amazing!
I love the word randomocity! Thank you for finding a use for it. When we moved last I marked many a box that didn't have a real subject "misc. randomocities" :)
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